TOEIC ETS 2022 – Test 4 – Question 198

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Đọc đoạn văn dưới đây và chọn câu trả lời phù hợp nhất cho câu hỏi.

To: All Staff
From: Ronald Garrison
Date: April 20
Subject: Update
Dear Colleagues,
It’s an exciting time here at Zikomo Solutions, and we have a lot to celebrate! Our company has shown tremendous growth over the past year. Just last month we exceeded our goals and conducted 25 customer service workshops for 18 different companies in the greater Groton area.
In response to our growth, we have added three new workshop presenters with significant customer service experience in their respective industries. Lisa Okoro will focus on the telemarketing industry. Caleb Patel will train those in fields related to medicine. And Alan Gorospe will specialize mainly in customer service for the technology industry. They will begin giving workshops during the first or second week of May. Please join me in welcoming these professionals to the Zikomo family.
Ronald Garrison
CEO, Zikomo Solutions

Zikomo Solutions

Tentative training schedule

Week of May 2

Course Name
Course Length
Telephone Skills Half Day May 2 Lisa Okoro  Zikomo, Groton
Customer Service in a Digital World Full Day May 3 Alan Gorospe  Zikomo, Groton
Patient Relations for Hospital Professionals Full Day May 4 To Be Determined Fitzer Medical Group, West Groton
Turn Tech Problems into Marketing Opportunities Half Day May 5 Alan Gorospe Callipher Technologies Fayetteville



To: Ronald Garrison <>

From: Jana Snyder <>

Date: May 8

Subject: Recent workshops

Dear Mr. Garrison,

Several of my employees from Snyder Goods attended Zikomo training sessions on May 2 and 3. I wanted to provide feedback and ask a question. I think the half-day session could be extended to a full day, considering the interesting topic and skill of the excellent presenter. Conversely, the full day, while interesting, would be better condensed into a half day. Additionally, could you provide more parking options? Spaces for participants were full, and a number of our Snyder Goods employees had to park in an expensive paid lot.


Jana Snyder

Snyder Goods

What does the schedule indicate about the workshops?

Several are held on the same day.

Some are held at Zikomo's office.

They typically last a full day.

They are usually filled to capacity.

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