TOEIC ETS 2022 – Test 5 – Question 169

Đinh Hải Dương

Câu 1

Đọc đoạn văn dưới đây và chọn câu trả lời phù hợp nhất cho câu hỏi.

From: Takeshi Ishiguro
To: All Sevastya employees
Subject: Update
Date: December 13
Dear Sevastya employees,
I am writing to give you an update on this year’s sales so far. [1]一 am happy to report that currently our sales volume is up 20% from last year. This is due in part to the fact that we have been very successful in expanding our international reach.
[2] —. In Brazil, sales increased 57%, which can be attributed to the Rio de Janeiro Fashion Show where our evening wear was featured. A similar trend emerged in Russia, where sales were up by 32%. -[3]- There we anticipate sustained growth for the rest of the year, especially in our winter apparel line. We also saw sales growth in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), but growth was a modest 10% due to fierce competition. That said, in this market, sign-ups for our credit card were strong. Finally, in Korea, where we have had our most successful international market launch thus far, favorable news articles about our products drove very strong sales.
-[4]—. Thus, overall, it’s been an excellent year so far. I am confident that our new program, which offers discounts to customers who invite others to shop with us, will begin to boost sales growth at all locations.
Takeshi Ishiguro
Vice President of Sales

According to the e-mail, where was the company’s product seen by an audience?

In Brazil

In Russia

In the UAE

In Korea

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  • 1 Tài liệu phong phú, đầy đủ bao phủ các kỳ thi 
  • 2 Thi thử online có kết quả, thống kê chi tiết, giải thích cặn kẽ
  • 3 Khóa học online dễ hiểu, phương pháp giảng dạy độc đáo
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