TOEIC ETS 2022 – Test 8 – Question 155

Đinh Hải Dương

Câu 1

Đọc đoạn văn dưới đây và chọn câu trả lời phù hợp nhất cho câu hỏi.

To: Mary Lim <mlim412>
From: George Siskos <gsiskos>
Date: September 24
Subject: Referral from Joe Argento
Attachment: Information
Hello Ms. Lim,
I am George Siskos, Recruiting Manager at Crehcorp Ltd. We are currently looking to hire an accounting clerk, and Joe Argento recommended you. From what Joe told me, your background makes you a good fit for the role (posting attached). If you are interested in learning more about Crehcorp and the position, I will be happy to provide further information. Let me know when you  are available to talk, and I will give you a call.
I look forward to hearing back from you!
George Siskos

What is Ms. Lim asked to do?

Visit Crehcorp's Web site

Contact Mr. Argento

Mail a resume

Respond to the e-mail

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