TOEIC ETS 2022 – Test 8 – Question 157

Đinh Hải Dương

Câu 1

Đọc đoạn văn dưới đây và chọn câu trả lời phù hợp nhất cho câu hỏi.

Francis Chang [4:32 P.M.]
Hi, Connie. I’m putting together the schedule for the summer. Will you still be able to teach the Friday aftemoon workshops twice a month? We could take a turns, and I would take the other two Fridays.
Connie Kehoe [4:39 P.M.]
Thanks for getting in touch, Francis. I’d still like to be involved, but I’ll be busier this summer. I’m coordinating a volleyball league.
Francis Chang [4:40 P.M.]
Well, OK. guess I could cover the workshops three Fridays a month.
Connie Kehoe [4:42 P.M.]
That would be perfect. That will give me enough time for my other obligation.
Francis Chang [4:43 P.M.]
The other thing is, this summer we want to focus on painting with watercolors, rather than basic drawing.
Connie Kehoe [4:44 P.M.]
I’ll look over some old lesson plans, but that should be fine. Also, let’s get together soon to work on a budget for the class materials.

What type of workshop is being planned?


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