Chuyên mục: TOEIC part 3 - Company - Personnel |


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Chuyên mục: TOEIC part 3 - Company - Personnel | 57
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Câu 1

Nghe nội dung cuộc trò chuyện và chọn câu trả lời chính xác.

What does the woman suggest?


Contracting some advertising work.

Discussing the problem at the next meeting.

Training new factory team workers.

Hiring a temporary employee.

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Câu 2

Nghe nội dung cuộc trò chuyện và chọn câu trả lời chính xác.

Why will the speakers talk to Janet Olsen?


To get her opinion about an issue.

To ask how a problem was solved previously.

To learn whether they can use her office.

To ask about a recently hired team member.

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Câu 3

Nghe nội dung cuộc trò chuyện và chọn câu trả lời chính xác.

What does the man say about hiring a new employee?


The hiring process is already finished.

Hiring may not be necessary.

There are no qualified applicants.

There is no money in the budget.

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Câu 4

Nghe nội dung cuộc trò chuyện và chọn câu trả lời chính xác.

Why does the man object to Mr. Smith?


He does not have an extensive work history.

He was late for the interview.

He did not answer questions clearly.

He did not dress appropriately.

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Câu 5

Nghe nội dung cuộc trò chuyện và chọn câu trả lời chính xác.

What will the woman do next?


Double-check Ms. Wong’s references

Answer Ms. Wong’s question

Review Ms. Wong's employment history

Bring Ms. Wong in for another interview

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